Siberian Journal - 2nd page

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The 13th of August

It's the third day of our road. Tomorrow early in the morning we'll come to Abakan. May it come sooner!

We already turned into old residents of the train, it became as our house now. Main part of people of the carrige already got out. Today in Novosibirsk (at 2 am Moscow time, 5 am Novosibirsk time) the carrige became almost empty, only few people remained here - those who go to Abakan. Even those who joined us in Novosibirsk already got out on different stations. We, those who go all the way from Moscow, are already like old chums, we nod to each other and talk though we even don't know each other's names.

In the town Tayga at 6 am Moscow time (they use Moscow time in the time-table of the train) we meet the train which goes back from Abakan to Moscow.

Achinsk. From here our train goes "back". In other words, there is a turn on the railroad and our locomotive is hitched from the first carrige to the last one, so it seems like the train goes back.

In the evening we saw a wonderful spectacle from our windows. An amasing rainbow appeared near us along the railway track. Its arc was seen complitely from the beginning till the end, we even saw fantastically coloured trees and mountains behind it. And suddenly we saw one more rainbow near the first one, its radiance was a little fainter, but it's very beautiful, too. We were surprised, it was quite long. The train began to turn on the road and it seemed that rainbows turned, too. But the most astonishing thing was when our train made a big turn (of course, it's the road made a big turn) - and rode under the rainbows! And it was few long minuites. Our train went under the rainbow arc - and all passengers stiffened in admiration. My fellow traveller - businessman, who was far from belief and spirituality, said suddenly: "I guess this way the gates to Eden look!.. It means that God is with us!.."


Eh! Why I recollected about my camera only when rainbows already began to fade?!

The 14th of August

At last we came to Abakan.

We are in Abakan railroad station.
(From left to right: Eugene, I, Sasha, Volodya, Rimma.)

We waited a suburban electric train to Kuragino for 2 hours.

An interesting event was in Abakan. After we were waiting an hour already Eugene suddenly found that he forgot his guitar in the train. To that time our train already went to the place where trains usually stand after all passengers left it. But even from that place it had to go away in 10-15 minutes. Eugene with his friend ran to catch up our train with a hope to find it. I don't know with which speed they ran, but they were in time to catch our train, though it was in 3,5 kilometres from us, to find the guitar and to come back. And they even had some time till the suburban train.

View from the train window.

The funniest thing was that Eugene again almost forgot his guitar in the susburban train when we went out of it. Thank God, all of us recollected about his guitar and took it in time before the train went away (it stood there 1-2 minutes).

We went by the suburban electric train to Kuragino during 2 hours. In Kuragino a minibus was waiting for us and we safely surmounted 83 kilometres of the earth road on it.

At last we came to Petropavlovka! We were met by Tatiana Denisova. I settled in her hospitable house. There were many people here already, a group from Tallinn came here, too. Tanya and her helpers fed us with dinner. At dinner I met some people who settled here, too. To everyone's surprise there were many Tatianas here. Somebody was joking: "The space began to Tatiana!" (untranslatable play on words - here the name Tatiana is used as a verb).

Bus stop in Petropavlovka.

Tatiana's house.

After dinner I went on addresses which were given to me by the Moscow centre. I found that all of them were in one place. After meetings with some different people I didn't solve a lot of problems, but at least I got promises that they would write me on my e-mail after the festival.

In the evening the group "Harmony" played the concert. The group changed, Natalia Juravleva sang with them again, also a musician Mitko from Bulgaria joined them. He played the violin and sang songs in English from "Credence" and Elvis Presley. Also "Harmony" sang a lot of hits from our Soviet past of 70th and 80th. So they started people up and everybody had a lot of fun. At first people clapped and stamped their feet, but soon many people began to dance. The concert was on the second floor of unfinished gallery "Blagovest" ("Toll"). After it Tatiana Denisova asked people not to dance here during concerts, because people who were on the first floor saw that cross-beams sagged under dancing people.

At 8-30 pm local natural time (believers use natural time, they don't put a clock forward/back on summer and winter time) the priest Sergey conducted a small liturgy in the Temple of Blessing. At the end of it he said: "Now pray about your inmost, may your souls talk with God!"

After the liturgy I reached Tatiana's house in elated and bright mood. And at the end of the day I got a test on my patience: my sleeping-bag was lost. We looked for it long, but didn't find. Today in Tatiana's house there were many rehearsals for festival concerts. (Did I say that Tatiana's house is a school for girls?) Perhaps, when they took properties for a concert, they took my sleeping-bag by mistake.

This way my first day in Petropavlovka had passed. Good night!

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